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Wellness School Counselor

Hello everyone. This is my 8th year at Santa Maria High School as a school counselor. I am looking forward to another amazing year at SMHS where I will have the opportunity to follow Class of 2023 to their graduating year!

I have earned a Master’s degree in Counseling and Education and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Child and Adolescent Development from San José State University.  I enjoy keeping my education current by attending California Association School Counselors (CASC) and American School Counselor Association (ASCA) conferences.

My previous work experience includes: Counseling at Allan Hancock College and at Newark Memorial High in the bay area and teaching at Allan Hancock College for the noncredit program.  I have also had the great opportunity to perform registrar and attendance clerk work at other high schools.

I enjoy working at SMHS because the students are a joy to work with!  They are respectful and caring.  I am also inspired by the amazing teachers and staff that work so hard to educate and support our students in meeting their greatest potential.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

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SMJUHSD programs, activities, practices and employment prohibits discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identifications, age, religion, marital, family or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, immediately contact the District’s Discrimination, Equity and Title IX Compliance Officer Mr. Kevin R. Platt at 2560 Skyway Drive, Santa Maria, CA 93455, (805) 922-4573 or You may request a copy of SMJUHSD’s Uniform Complaint Procedures, Non-Discrimination Policies, Sexual Harassment Policies.

Los programas, las actividades, las prácticas y el empleo de SMJUHSD prohíben la discriminación, incluido el acoso discriminatorio, la intimidación y el acoso por motivos de raza o etnia, color, ascendencia, nacionalidad, origen nacional, identificaciones de grupo étnico, edad, religión, matrimonio, familia o padres reales o percibidos. estado, discapacidad física o mental, sexo, orientación sexual, género, identidad de género, expresión de género o información genética o asociación con una persona o grupo con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas. Si cree que ha sido objeto de discriminación, acoso, intimidación o acoso, comuníquese de inmediato con el Oficial de Discriminación, Equidad y Cumplimiento del Título IX del Distrito, el Sr.Kevin R. Platt en 2560 Skyway Drive, Santa Maria, CA 93455, (805) 922 -4573 o Puede solicitar una copia de los Procedimientos uniformes de quejas, las políticas de no discriminación, las políticas de acoso sexual de SMJUHSD .

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