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Last Names M-Z

Hi everyone.  This is my 6th year at Santa Maria High School.  I am looking forward to an exciting year of learning at SMHS!

I have a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Chapman University and a Masters and PPS credential in school counseling from National University. 

Prior to working as a school counselor at SMHS, I worked as a Migrant School Advisor for SMJUHSD, based primarily at PVHS and SMHS.  As a Migrant Advisor, I helped implement programs designed to support migrant students towards high school graduation and or postsecondary education. 

I enjoy working at Santa Maria High School, because we have remarkable students and a wonderful staff.

I look forward to meeting you all.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

My number is 805-925-2567 Ext. 3743 or by email:

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